Accelerating Training Using Multi GPUs


The Training Environment: Athena

Traning Data: A subset was random selected 1000 samples from HKST training dataset.

Newwork: LAS Model

Primary Network Configuration: NUM_EPOCHS 1, BATCH_SIZE 10

The training time is changed by deferent number of of server and GPU when using Horovod+Tensorflow. As the same time, the training data and network structure etc still keep same to train one epoch. These results of experiment as follow:

The training time using Horovod+Tensorflow(Character)

Server and GPU number 1S-1GPU 1S-2GPUs 1S-3GPUs 1S-4GPUs 2Ss-2GPUs 2Ss-4GPUs 2Ss-6GPUs 2Ss-8GPUs
training time(s/1 epoch) 121.409 83.111 61.607 54.507 82.486 49.888 33.333 28.101

The Reslut Analysis

  1. As the character shown that the more GPUs are used and the training time is shorter. For example, we commpared their training time scale between using 1 server with 1 GPU and 1 server with 4 GPUs. Their training time scale is 1S-4GPUs:1S-1GPU=1:2.22. Moreover,anoter set of data is recorded as 2Ss-8GPUs:1S-1GPU=1:4.3. From them we can see, increasing the number of GPU when we train model can save training time and increase the efficiency.
  2. The communication time is really short between difference server using Horovod. We have trained the same structure model respectively using 1 servers with 2 GPUs and using 2 servers with 1 GPU each and the training time scale is 1S-2GPUs:2Ss-2GPUs=1:1.